Adra Services Ltd trading as Drummond Flooring

Fidelity Investments

Over 10,000 sq m of Milliken cushion backed carpet tiles were laid to office areas. The new carpets were installed out of normal working hours using the furniture lift system where the desks are left in situ and raised to allow the old carpets to be removed and the new fitted with the minimum of disruption. This procedure ensured that the offices were fully functional and ready for the following working day, thus avoiding the additional cost of relocating staff together with IT and logistical problems encountered when undertaking such a move.

The flooring to all the staff welfare facilities were also upgraded using environmentally friendly Forbo linoleum at the same time.

Fidelity Investments carpet tiles to office areas     Fidelity Investments carpet tiled corridor and meeting rooms

Carpet tiles laid to Office areas


Corridor and Meeting Room

Fidelity Investments carpet tiled waiting room    

Waiting Room